Panasonic GH4 with Wooden Camera Cage and the Video Devices PIX-E5

January 12, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Just thought I would share my GH4 rig that I pieced together and have been using. I have other pieces that I attach or remove that are not pictured as well. Most of us do depending on our needs for each shot or assignment. This is clearly not supposed to be an elaborate or thorough review of any kind. First off, I'm very happy that I decided to go with the Video Devices PIX-E5 monitor/recorder. It is a robust and well built piece of equipment capable of recording several types of pro res up to 4444 XQ 12 bit (depending on what your camera is capable of out-putting. GH4 max output is 4:2:2 10 bit). With the new V Log and 12 stops of dynamic range (+2), recording in 10 bit will really give this camera more life. The PIX-E recorder lacks any type of RAW recording, but I don't have a need for that at this time. It will however, record up to 4K DCI/UHD 30 fps and 1080 up to 120 fps. Solid metal construction, removable media drive that transfers over USB 3.0, touch screen and buttons all make using this a dream. The GH4 offers 422 10 bit out versus 420 8 bit internal recording so I really wanted to take advantage of the extra quality that brings. 

Here is a list of the main items I used. A link to buy them is also available.

Panasonic Lumix GH4

Buy on Amazon

Wooden Camera Quick Cage (there are 3 sizes, this is a medium. A small would also work.)

Wooden Camera DSLR 15mm Base

Zacuto Zamerican 12" V3 Articulating Arm

Buy on Amazon (spendy but worth it. figure to pay about $200 for the arm alone. Kit will run you close to $400. This is great cause the arm has 15mm rods on the ends. Even has internal threads. Solid when tightened, no fuss!)

Zacuto Zicro Mount

Buy on Amazon (this is on the bottom of the PIX-3E5 which than clamps to the 15mm rod end of the Zamerican arm. Quick and easy on off)

SmallRig SWAT Nato 15mm rail clamp

Buy on Amazon (perfect to mount on a nato rail and than to attach any 15mm rod. in this case the other end of my 12" arm for the monitor)

SmallRig Nato Handle with cold shoe

Buy on Amazon (There are great options from Zacuto and Wooden Camera but I went with this one for now cause the price was right. Its a really nice piece. They have a lot of top handle options to choose from which is nice)

SmallRig Nato Rail 5"

Buy on Amazon

Lanparte Matte Box with 15mm Rod adapter

Buy on Amazon 

Lanparte Follow Focus

Buy on Amazon 

Lanparte V-Mount adapter

Buy on Amazon (Also doubles as a charger. Has D-Tap, hdmi splitter, 5V, 7.4V, 12V, 15V outputs and over voltage protection.)

Lanparte V-Mount Battery

Buy on Amazon (no complaints with this or the adapter. Its a little bulky but for the price and the power options it gives its great. I don't really need it like I use to for other cameras. The GH4 battery lasts a good while. Sometimes its nice back up for the monitor or other accessories.) 

Lockport by Lockcircle HDMI adapter (micro to standard HDMI adapter that keeps your port in top shape and lets you use a standard size cable. I use the thin flexible cables found here.)

Nanosecond Thin Flexible HDMI cable

Buy on Amazon

Manfrotto 504 HD Video Plate (Long) 

Buy on Amazon

VideoDevices PIX-E5 4K Recorder and monitor (SDI & HDMI) There is also an HDMI only option called the PIX-E5H.

"The Video Devices PIX-E5/E5H Is A Perfect Companion to the GH4"

For Audio I have the Sennheiser AVX wireless Lav system and I absolutely love it. For other audio I use a Zoom recorder or various RODE mics including the Rode VideoMic Pro. There is a XLR audio interface for the PIX-E series coming out next month for optimum sound acquisition.


note: I have not been paid or have been given any equipment for free to promote any of these products. 


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